I have been sitting with the awareness that Sean has been mentioned, and is in some of the pictures, he hasn't been celebrated though. So this post is dedicated to love, to a husband's dedication to his family and to a little bit of what our family is made of.

I knew when Sean and I met 8 years ago that he was different, he was...IS a very special man. There was a comfort I felt around him and in the same breath a deep discomfort for he was different, old tricks didn't work with him. He didn't ask for my number and didn't seem to interested in pursuing anything, I don't blame him, at dinner, my secret was out, I was leaving the country for an undisclosed amount of time. We did get to have another meeting about 2 months later and he did ask for my number and our story began. One of the questions we discussed pretty early on was family, what were our thoughts. Both of us were in the mindset of, 'Why not!?' We didn't have strong desires to start a family right away but we were intrigued by the thought of having a family sometime.

We are one of the lucky couples who got to have some time to deepen our relationship together, to play, to get to know each other as husband and wife before the desire for a family snuck in. When that desire came we knew we were 'ready', who is really ready?? When I was first pregnant in 2014 and told Sean, he ran, jumped, laughed, yelled, and was thrilled. My heart couldn't swell any deeper with love for this man, in that moment I knew he would be an amazing father. When we had the miscarriage just months later and he never left my side, except to go find red meat since the midwife told me to get as much iron as possible. He let me lead the way only with a step so that if I needed strength he was beside me to help advocate and get the support we needed. Again, our relationship deepened to another level of trust and strength.

The day and week after Liam was born when we went through the roller coaster of emotions there was always a sense of dedication Sean exuded. Through his fears, concerns, and grief he was present and took on the roll of Liam's father with tenderness, love, and acceptance. As a new mother, my heart melted knowing that unlike some fathers who need time to learn to love their children who are 'different', Sean fell head over heels for this little bundle of light and that love has only deepened.

Liam has entered a space of wanting 'Daddy', he will wake up from a nap signing 'Daddy', when we come home, he will sign 'Daddy', and will sign 'Daddy' right before bed if he didn't get a hug goodnight. I laugh and joke that I have become boring, 'Daddy' is the excitement in his life right now. Someone got worried when I joked about this, to me though, I couldn't be happier. I couldn't be happier to know that our child knows that his 'Daddy' loves him and will comfort him if he gets hurt, will play with him and wear him out, will read to him, will feed him, will entertain him. As we get ready for our next bundle of light to come, I have needed more support and once again Sean has stepped up to the challenge. Our boys are the luckiest boys to have such an amazing father, and I am so grateful to get to be Sean's wife. We have met life with smiles, reverence, dedication, and a lot of love and I do feel that our home embodies that truth.

Thank you Sean McLoughlin for being the wonder of a man you are and for sharing the love you carry in your heart with all of us. May you always know the well of gratitude we carry for you. I love you!
I love you all- Becky, Sean, Liam, and Baby. So glad you have each other. Hugs from Singapore.
ReplyDeleteThank you Sweet Cari! Our love to you as well, hope you are having a wonderful time and we are so grateful for you and Tom!
DeleteThis is beautiful Becky. I have gotten to know Sean a bit and the work he did with the horses was amazing. I was honored to be a tiny part of his journey and yours.