Sunday, January 1, 2017

A New Beginning...

Happy New Year!  Welcoming in 2017 is very much like waking from a dream that feels too real to be a dream but too surreal to be reality.  2016 was a year filled with opportunities for growth, grieving, change, joy, and journeying into an inner realm.

This time last year my mom was asking if she looked 'cancery'.  I had to tell her the truth, she did.  She consented to going to the hospital to find relief and 'get back on track'.  She passed away in her home on the 12th of January.  I miss her everyday and yet, because of what I believe, I feel her presence everyday.  I will have a thought that seems just a little too close to what she would say and HOW she would say it.  I will feel a warmth at the small of my back, almost as if a hand is placed there.  
My mom and I had a good relationship, we had healed some of the wounds teenage years left behind.  I felt as if I got to meet my mom as a woman rather than a child and she met me as a woman too.  We had some amazing travel adventures, to Europe, and all across the country.  

This blog isn't just about her though, this is about Life, this is about bumbling through all the different opportunities that present in life.  My hope is that this can be a place to share all the bounty of what each experience brings, a place to share little bits of what I am learning, experiencing, and grieving.  
Thank you for joining in the journey and may you recognize your story in mine.


  1. Thank you for this & the start of another is an honor to read your words.

  2. I love you Becky. Writing is such a wonderful way to process and transform experience. Starting this blog in solidarity- "Hi, my name is Cari and I'm a life bumbler." :) xoxoxo

  3. What a beautiful post! I look forward to following you on your journey.
